
dtac Internal Regulations Pertaining to Coronavirus (Covid-19) Containment Announcement (no.7)

27 February 2020

Announcement (no.7) February 26, 2020

In response to the spread of the “Coronavirus” (Covid-19) in many countries, the company (dtac) has issued regulations for employees as follows:

1. Business trips are not permitted to any foreign country until further notice.

2. In the event of a personal trip, we ask that employees proceed as follows:

  • 2.1 Defer traveling to or transiting through high-risk countries to reduce infection risk among colleagues.
  • 2.2 The list of high-risk countries is based on the World Health Organization (WHO) and Ministry of Public Health as follows:
1. China 5. South Korea 9. Vietnam
2. Hongkong 6. Japan 10. Italy
3. Macao 7. Singapore 11. Iran
4. Taiwan 8. Malaysia

This list is subject to change as per company updates.

  • 2.3.  If unable to cancel their trip, employees traveling to high-risk countries must follow these procedures:
    • Report to their direct supervisor, Group Head, and Head of Health & Safety.
    • Upon their return, employees must self-quarantine for 14 days by using annual leave (or leave without pay if annual leave does not cover the full 14 days). This is to show responsibility towards all dtac employees.
    • Employees exhibiting symptoms, and with a medical certificate, can use medical leave according to the medical advice. If the prescribed sick leave is less than 14 days, either Annual leave or Leave without pay should be used.
    • After the quarantine, employees must wear a surgical mask on the first day they return to their work premises and have their temperature checked by their direct supervisor or the designated person.
  • 2.4. Employees who traveled before (or are traveling as of) February 27, 2020 to high-risk countries, and have not yet returned to their workplace, must proceed as follows:
    • Upon their return, employees must self-quarantine for 14 days at home by using sick leave without the need to present a medical certificate.
    • After the quarantine, employees must wear a surgical mask on the first day they return to their work premises and have their temperature checked by their direct supervisor or the designated person.
  • 2.5. Employees who returned from a high-risk country and have returned to their workplace  before this announcement is in action (February 27, 2020) must follow the 6th announcement:
    • If without symptoms, wear a surgical mask at all times while at your workplace. You must have your temperature checked at the infirmary for 14 days after your return.
    • If presenting symptoms such as coughing, fever, sore-throat or difficult breathing, employees must take medical leave and report to their Division Head along with the Head of Health & Safety immediately.
  • 2.6. If already traveling in a country when it is newly added to the list of high-risk countries, please refer to policy 2.4

3. In the case of employees in close contact with people (such as family members) returning from high-risk countries, the employee must:

  • 3.1. Follow advice from the Ministry of Public Health such as avoiding close contact and sharing personal belongings for 14 days after their arrival.
  • 3.2. Report to direct supervisor and Head of Health & Safety.
  • 3.3. Wear a surgical mask and go through temperature check every day for 14 days.

4. If a family member or person in close contact with an employee is declared a Patient Under Investigation (PUI) by the Ministry of Public Health or diagnosed with Covid-19, employees must follow policy 2.4.

5. If employees must contact clients or visitors traveling from high-risk countries:

  • 5.1. Cancel face to face meeting
  • 5.2. Use other method such as Teleconference / VDO call.

6. For Vendors, Outsource, Consultants, and all Visitors who enter dtac premises, the contact person or responsible unit must share the procedure, so that all above rules are applied.

7. Cancel any conference or meeting that includes more than 15 members traveling from other countries, except approved prior this announcement. If the meeting is necessary, seek approval from Group Head and Head of Health & Safety.

8. The company does not permit bringing family members to work premises.

9. If you have any respiratory symptom or found any suspected case:

  • 9.1. Seek medical advice
  • 9.2. Report your condition or concern to your direct supervisor and Head of Health & Safety.

Please note that the company will introduce individual temperature checks for both employees and visitors before entering the company premises.

We ask that everyone strictly follow this regulation for the health and safety of all. If an employee is found having misrepresented their status or condition, there will be disciplinary action by the company.

All direct supervisors are responsible for ensuring employees follow these procedures. Should a direct supervisor not follow these procedures, disciplinary action will be taken.

This announcement is effective February 27, 2020 and in force until further notice.



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