
dtac bets on agile to discover a better way of work

06 August 2019

dtac has set up a group of Agile Frontrunners, eight pilot teams exploring a new way of work, agile, which allows individuals to be more empowered, launch new products and services faster and better understand customers. We spoke to one of the three “tribe leaders,” Mr. Panthep Nilasinthop, dtac’s Head of Digital Services and Sales. He shares how even in the very early stages of agile, he can feel a deep change in the team’s energy, enthusiasm and passion.

What’s Agile? And why did dtac embrace this method?

Conventionally, corporations set up a range of departments across different locations. This commonly leads to working in silos. But the concept of agile working is totally different. It brings experts from each field to work together. By this way, they can share ideas cross-functionally and effectively create products and services .

At dtac, we started setting up “Agile Frontrunners,” which consist of three tribes divided into eight squads, with a primary focus on improving customer experience. For example, the prepaid base acquisition tribe is responsible for new customers who have never subscribed to dtac services. The postpaid based management tribe oversees product and services enhancement for the existing customers. And the digital service tribe focuses on improving digital platforms such as the dtac app and e-commerce to serve customer needs.

Each squad brings experts from different fields to sit and work closely together. Ultimately, the company will receive a variety of different views and ideas from each field experts. They will have to analyze and jointly make a decision to find out the best solutions for customers. This method is completely different from conventional organizations with a top-down approach. It allows us to truly understand customer needs by letting frontline employees take part in decision making and bring new ideas to make things better.

Can dtac customers see feel these changes?

We just started a few weeks ago, but eventually they will notice the better services we provide at a faster-pace and better suited to their needs.

What’s your responsibilities as a tribe lead?

Making teams happy is my main job. I need to help guide them when they have a problem and general matters. For instance, if they have too many meetings, or if they need more space to work. I help get them what they need and also act as their mentor.

What’s your responsibility as a tribe lead?

My main task is to make everyone understand the principle of agile thoroughly. Once our teams completely absorb the core value of agile, they will be much more happy at work because agile encourage people to express their ideas and ability freely. Agile allows everyone to show their potential without the interference of the organization’s hierarchy. People who employ agile enjoy higher self-esteem because their ideas and abilities are valued by their colleagues and customers.



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