
On the Online World…How Well Do You Know Your Child? True Invites You to Build Immunity for Thai Children on Safer Internet Day

06 February 2024

In the era when new generation growing up with technology and familiarity with digital devices, it is found that Thai children spend more than 12 hours a day exploring the internet. With 83% of Thai children having easy and fast access to the internet, there is a high chance that these children may face various risks in the online world. This leads to the question for parents to ponder in the digital age: “As a parent, how well do you know your child when they are online?” In conjunction with the Safer Internet Day on February 6, 2024, True Corporation, as a leading tech company, is dedicated to driving a society of creative and safe internet usage, providing a checklist for parents to assess how well their children are protected in the online world.

Here are 5 simple questions, answerable with “yes” or “no”, to determine if your child is a Digital Native or Digital Naïve:

  1. Does your child watch live streams of celebrities and transfer money as a gift to them at least 3 times a month?
  2. Does your child share helpful stories without harming others’ reputation?
  3. Does your child post criticisms of appearance, shape, or make offensive comments towards others?
  4. Does your child understand how to distinguish between real and fake news that may mislead others?
  5. Does your child spend a long time and money on online gaming unintentionally?

Scoring: Yes = 1 point, No = 0 point

  • If your child scores less than 2 points, they fall into the Digital Native category, meaning they are responsible and cautious in internet usage, aware of the dangers, and consider the impact on themselves and others positively.


  • If your child scores 2 points or more, they fall into the Digital Naïve category, indicating a certain level of vulnerability to online risks. It is crucial to instill awareness of these risks and cultivate responsible internet use.

Promoting Digital Natives for a Creative Online Society

To raise awareness and promote responsible internet use, the dtac Safe Internet project shares dark stories of cyber threats through edutainment media in the form of short films. These stories aim to create a culture of creative online behavior and combat cyberbullying, urging everyone to stop and think before sharing or engaging in harmful behavior online.  To watch the short films:


Additionally, True has opened an online platform for students and interested individuals to learn and take tests on the “Rootanlokonline” course from True Plookpanya without any charges. The course covers topics such as cyber threats, password setting, cyberbullying patterns and penalties, closed-by social media danger, internet laws and fake news.  For more information, visit  


#SID2024 #SaferInternetDay #TrueSafeInternet #TrueSustainability