True Corporation Boosts Response to Northern Floods, Ensures Communication Systems Remain Operational

22 August 2024

August 22, 2024 – True Corporation is actively responding to the flash flood situation by promptly managing mobile and home internet services in the most affected provinces: Nan, Chiang Rai, Phayao, and Phrae. The company has dispatched special operational teams to 43 high-risk provinces across the North, Northeast, Central, and South regions to ensure continuous operation of communication systems during the emergency period from August 24 to 30.


Mr. Prathet Tankuranun, Chief Technology Officer of True Corporation Plc
., said, “Based on weather forecasts for August 24th to 30th, there is a risk of flash floods, torrents, and landslides across various regions, especially in the North, Northeast, Central, and South. True has fully prepared to manage the situation to ensure uninterrupted communication services for our customers. We have prepared our network infrastructure for both mobile and home internet services and have increased monitoring teams to operate 24/7, ensuring communication services are maintained for all True and dtac customers.”


True Corporation has implemented the following flash flood response plan:


1. Deployed a special team at the BNIC, an intelligent network operations center equipped with AI and a War Room, to enhance the efficiency and reliability of 5G, 4G, and home internet networks, ensuring comprehensive management and oversight of all services 24 hours a day.


2. Prepared mobile cell-on-wheel (COW) units to provide mobile signal coverage for True and dtac customers during emergencies caused by heavy rain and flooding. These units are especially ready for deployment in high-risk provinces to quickly reinforce communications in affected areas.


3. Arranged for transportation to access field locations, including four-wheel-drive vehicles and flat-bottom boats, to enable travel to and from base stations for maintenance and repairs in all areas.


Stocked spare parts and repair materials for network exchanges and base stations to address emergency situations caused by storms and flooding.


5. Collaborating closely with relevant agencies, including the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), local authorities, police stations, and hospitals in the potentially affected provinces.


6. Maintaining constant coordination with local electricity providers to ensure continuous power supply to True and dtac exchanges, even in the event of partial power outages in flood-affected areas.


“In such a crisis, communication is crucial for emergency notifications and seeking assistance. True Corporation is committed to ensuring that communication systems function efficiently, allowing the public to stay connected even during emergencies,” Mr. Prathet concluded.