
dtac Safe Internet Young Leader Cyber Camp Season 3 calls for application

23 March 2021

  • Children and youths are invited to co-create ‘constructive culture” in online spaces


Mar 23, 2021 – Third edition of dtac’s Young Safe Internet Leader Cyber Camp is now accepting application, inviting children and youth aged between 13 and 18 to jointly foster the “online constructive culture” as part of the efforts to promote responsible netizens and safe online spaces.

Sharad Mehrotra, Chief Executive Officer of Total Access Communication Plc or dtac, said: “We strongly believe that youths well equipped with sophisticated knowledge and skills with digital resilience will be able to express values and promote a constructive culture in a digital space.”

dtac has continued the Young Safe Internet Leader Camp for consecutive four school breaks with an aim to promote digital resilience skills and digital skills for the future. In this cyber camp, youths will access to resourceful learning opportunities and experience an end-to-end incubation process with many prominent mentors who have shared aspirations to create a constructive online culture, and build their own social connection with peers in the same generation.

According to a trend report on generation Z’s aspiration, expectations and mindsets conducted by Wunderman Thompson Intelligence, it said that they are concerned about their future and hope for a better normal. Around 75 percent believe that their generation will change the world.

What they will get from Cyber Camp

For those youngster who are selected will get first hand experience to empower them with future skills, unleashing their true potential. 

  1. Digital resilience skills
    • Participants will be well equipped with the latest digital trends, such as cybercrime, privacy and data protection, online sexual exploitation, fraud in e-commerce, freedom of expression, and introduction of ICT and algorithms.
  2. Meet the mentors
    • Participants will have an opportunity to meet the experts and practitioners who work in digital fields. Their inspiring stories range from innovation for social good, secret sauce of online campaign, careers of the future. For example, data scientists, drone pilot, machine learning trainer.
  3. Project development
    • To upskill startup-like working process, the program offers project-based learning method trained by FabCafe Bangkok with seed funds worth more than 500,000 baht during incubation (four months). In addition, they will get a close assistance from mentors, idea development, and progress tracking.

For those who interested, please click for further information.



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