
dtac denounces employee layoff news report

11 September 2020

11 September 2020 – Total Access Communication or dtac has stated the company has no plan to reduce its headcount by 50 percent, contrary to a news article from Matichon.

Instead, dtac has announced that its employees can continue to work flexibly, either off-site or at the company headquarters, regional offices, and its three call center offices in Bangkok and its call center office in Chiang Mai.

Strict measures have been imposed to maintain only 30 percent occupancy at all offices and to ensure hygiene and safety of its employees. Since June 1, all dtac service centers resumed normal operations under strict social distancing measures.

To ensure the success of its flexible work model, dtac is using a ‘tight-loose-tight’ management approach which is tight on the expectations, loose on how employees choose to achieve their goals, and tight on accountability. dtac believes flexible work will become a growing expectation for employees and that it can empower them to be more productive and happier at work.


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