
dtac calls for applications for the 2nd edition of Young Safe Internet Leader Camp

30 March 2020

  • In response to COVID-19, the initiative, in partnership with DEPA, Thai Media Fundand the Internet Foundation, becomes the first online camp of its kind in Thailand

March 30, 2020 –The Young Safe Internet Leader Camp (YSLC)’s second edition is now accepting applications until April 10, to empower Thai youth to improve society and develop their digital resilience. In response to the spread of COVID-19, dtac has moved the three-month camp online, leveraging digital technology to create responsible netizens.

On-Uma Rerkpattanapipat, Head of Communications and Sustainability at Total Access Communication PLC or dtac, said: “During the COVID-19 outbreak, over 5 million secondary school students will have to stay home and spend more than 10 hours online with their phones or tablets which means that the online risk will be significantly increased. However, dtac believes that Thai youth could potentially be changed from the role of online victims to the becoming of change agent. Therefore, dtac Young Safe Internet Leader Camp (YSLC) is aimed to be an online opportunity platform for youth all over Thailand, to be able to access to Safe Internet learning resource through online lessons and incubation process. Moreover, thanks to the overwhelming success of the first edition of YSLC last year, dtac in partnership with Internet Foundation for Development of Thailand and allies will continue to organize YSLC in an effort to educate youngster in Thailand to be responsible netizens, having the online social skills to take part in online community life in an ethical and respectful way. This project is also supported by the Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA) and Thai Media Fund.”

In line with dtac’s ambition to empower societies, this is an intensive program with three segments: strengthening digital resilience, digital upskilling for future netizens and project mentorship. The program is under supervision and designed by the experts of developmental and behavioral pediatrics, ensuring that participants will gain a range of digital skills from digital literacy to critical thinking. It focuses on three key issues in the cyberworld:

  • Anatomy of Fake News Learn the structure of fake news and develop the ability to distinguish it from legitimate sources via special tools. 

  • Diversity and cyberbullying Experience self-discovery, learn about self-identity, confidence, self-esteem and diversity of surrounding individuals, which are the basis to tackle cyberbullying threats.

  • Data value: Online gaming and sexual abuse Increase skills needed in the digital era, specifically privacy and data protection to avoid personal data breaches, hacker breaches and different types of online risks, which are likely lead to sexual abuse.

Secondary school students are invited to apply for online participation to the YSLC. They are required to form a team of 3-5 members, proposing an idea to address online risks. The program will employ a highly interactive approach in both the workshops and mentorship. The judging committee will select outstanding and scalable ideas, which will be funded to realize the ideas along with additional benefits;

  1. Online mentorship program from well-known experts, such as Sure And Share Center by Thailand’s News Agencies – MCOT, Workpoint News, digital social enterprise like OpenDream and The Trust, a 2017 Anti-corruption board game design winner.
  2. Incubation program by FabCafe Bangkok to develop the projects into reality.
  3. dtac will seed the initial round of funding for a combined 400,000 baht (20,000-40,000 baht per team).
  4. Qualified ideas will be exhibited in the international stages, gaining global exposure.

This is an intensive program in three parts. (1) Participants must pass the online examination on digital resilience within 3 weeks (the course is 3-6 hours). (2) Selected teams will enter the mentoring program to develop digital skillsets. And (3) they will get funded to scale up their project ideas, making a real impact and benefiting society.

YSCL Version 2.0 is now accepting applications through April 10 via Qualified teams will be announced on April 20. The camp runs online from April 27 onwards.







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