
An unshakable optimist’s secrets to luck, love and work

02 April 2021

Can a lucky number change your life? Suwirat “Kai” Chaopanich is deeply convinced of the power of numerology. And this Head of Regional Sales Management will have you convinced too. Blessed with a bubbly, outsize personality, she’ll ask for your number the way a palm reader would ask you to extend a hand. Then comes the verdict–a review of your number’s influence on love, work, and money. 

Her infectious optimism and winning attitude have made her a hit salesperson at dtac. And dtacblog set out to find out more about her secrets to happiness.

Limitless Digital Opportunities

Despite big targets to achieve, Ms. Suwirat never thinks a goal is beyond reach. In her opinion, winning is all about your mindset.

“I’ve never thought selling is tough. There are selling opportunities no matter where I go. The products change every year, but there's always a next big thing,” Suwitrat explained.

Her team formulates its strategies by interacting directly with customers. Ms. Suwirat is at home in big crowds like universities, government complexes, and flea markets. Her secret to chat up perfect strangers? Empathy.

“When reaching out, we don’t know which telecom service providers the persons we are talking to are affiliated with. But we can warm up to prospective customers by being friendly. It’s best to connect with prospective customers by highlighting shared experiences,” she added.

From door to door to Social

At the height of Thailand’s COVID-19 outbreak in March 2020, her sales strategy no longer worked. This forced dtac’s sales teams to turn crisis into opportunity.  

“I saw a seller on Facebook doing a live with thousands of viewers and I placed an order too. But her mobile phone number was not good, based on the numerology I studied. I helped her get a new number and she was so happy she talked about my services during one of her Facebook live sessions. Since then, I've been getting about 100 requests for a mobile-phone-number switch each day," she said. "With online channels, there are no limits."

Ms. Suwirat is also aided by the fact that many lucky postpaid numbers are priced just like a regular number. Her team now attracts the highest number of new postpaid customers for dtac. 

“The next step was that I started going live on Facebook myself to recommend mobile phone numbers to prospective customers. During my live sessions, my viewers send their current mobile phone numbers and occupation information. I can then tell them whether they should get a new phone number,” she said.

Ms. Suwirat has boundless energy. She enjoys talking to customers until 1 am, stimulated by the fact that every customer is different.

“Being a professional salesperson, mindset plays a critical role in making you achieve any targets. When you try to sell something, don’t be afraid of failure. Opportunities are everywhere," she said.

Naturally, Ms. Suwirat managed to sell three lucky numbers to the dtacblog team during our interview. One hour later, the SIMs were delivered to us and we stepped into a luckier future. 

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