
No Gift Policy

30 May 2019

As clearly seen, Total Access Communication PLC. (“dtac”) has highlighted the importance of business operations with good corporate governance, business ethics and transparency. dtac focuses on equitable treatment towards stakeholders and all relevant parties. Furthermore, since 2016, we have joined as member of the Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption or CAC; altogether, we have announced and enforced the Anti-Corruption Policy, which stated zero tolerance for corruption whether direct or indirect or in all forms.

To align with the above transparency policies, dtac has developed new Code of Conduct as posted in the website of dtac and we have launched a No Gift Policy applied within our company (Please see attachment 1).  In this regard, we would like to request your kind cooperation to comply and follow such policies strictly by not to extend or receive gift nor any benefit in any forms to/from the Board of Directors, Managements and Employee of dtac during the New Year festive season or any other occasions. We sincerely accept our gratitude and your hospitality while we are delighted to provide telecommunication services and other related businesses to connecting you to what matters most.  In case we received any gift and are not able to return to you, we shall compile all gifts for donation or for public interest as deem appropriate.


Please be informed accordingly and please accept our gratitude for your kind cooperation.


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